One user wanted to request two cheques when creating an automated letter acknowledging the deposit.
One of these was for the returnable deposit. If there was no damage this could then be destroyed saving the work and cost involved in posting back a cheque.
The other cheque would be for the balance of the rent and charges, less the returnable deposit.
The answer is YES. You can simply modify the appropriate letter proforma to make the request using your own words, and you can insert the amounts of (a) the returnable deposit and (b) the balance less the returnable balance, using the following "Mail merge" or "special strings".
These are:
<!RetDep> This is replaced by the amount of the returnable deposit (if you have configured this.
<!NetBal> This is replaced by the balance less the returnable deposit (only if you have configured a returnable deposit)
Full details of all possible special strings are contained in the Help, in the topic entitled Mail merge or "special" strings.
Can I request two cheques, one for the returnable deposit?