Q: One user wrote "In the item on Data Protection you mention sample "Booking Conditions" delivered with the system - I can't find these, are they still included? "
A Yes - they are, but well hidden. They are in a sample booking form supplied in html format within the
C:\LetSys\Web folder. The file name is bookform.htm
If you navigate to the web folder, and double click this file, it will open up in a web browser.
You can also find other people's booking conditions fairly easily - they are usually printed in the various agency brochures, and many people have them in their web sites. Everyone has slightly different conditions!
The sample conditions were based on our own ones as they stood about 3 years ago. You can see our latest conditions (much the same) but with a few changes important for us at http://erwwen.com/bookconds.htm
I hope that helps - Brendan.
Sample Booking Conditions - where are they?