Here's a question we often get.
Q: I have just bought a new machine. How do I move the Holiday Letting System across?
We also get asked:
Q: I want to use a Laptop for the next few weeks while away - can I run LetSys temporarily on the Laptop?
A: It is easy to do both. Just do the following:
(Note: These instructions have been updated for V3.1 and later versions. The process is now easier)
1. Install the evaluation version onto the new machine. (Download this from if necessary).
Important: you must ensure this is the same version that is running on the old machine. If necessary first upgrade to the latest level on the old machine.
2. Register your application using the codes you were given when you purchased LetSys (this is done from the Register Tab of the Configuration Program.
3. Take a copy of your data and settings on the old machine by running the Backup Tool to create a complete copy of your data in a single file. Move this file across, and after installation, just run the Restore Tool to (a) to replace the data with the copy from the old machine.
and then (b) to restore your settings. Read the help topics entitled Migration Assistance Functions for more information.
4. If you publish availability data to the web, using Publish to web you will need to reinstall the eFTP Utility program. This can be downloaded from You can use the File / Export all sites from the eFTP menu on the old machine to export your site definitions, and then move the settings file created onto the new machine. Run File / Import site(s) to import the settings from the file.
Alternatively you can do the process manually (this is the hard way!):
1. Install LetSys on the new machine. Create and configure your properties on the new machine, and enter your registration code. Make sure you use exactly the same spelling for the properties and exactly the same settings as before, especially getting any extra charges in the same order.
2. Next (and only after you have completed step 1 and double checked your configuration) copy the C:\LetSys folder (including all sub folders) from the old machine, replacing the entire set of folders that came with the evaluation version. This moves all of your data over - it is entirely kept in the C:\LetSys folder. Now all your data is over, and the program should run as before.
You can move data over on diskette(s), a CD, a LAN or a proprietary backup system, whichever is most convenient.
To handle this task it is best if you are reasonably familiar with
(1) the operation of folders
(2) using drag and drop from my computer or windows explorer.
If not, get a more computer literate friend to assist. It is a very quick job.
Warning: You do not need to alter or move anything in C:\Program Files\ErwWen\.
Recreate your Icons (or ShortCuts).
You may need to recreate your shortcuts. There is a special function in the Configuration Program on the Special Tab. Just click the button Create Icons to replace any missing icons. You can repeat this at any time if you accidentally delete an icon.
Moving your data back from your laptop:
If you temporarily migrated LetSys to your Laptop, then the key point to remember is that one machine must always be the master. This is where you update your data. Once the laptop has done it's job and you want to move back to (say) your office machine as the master, then all you have to do is to move the entire root folder (normally C:\LetSys) and all subfolders back to the new master machine. You must completely replace the root folder on the new master machine. It's not a bad idea to back everything up before changing active master. You do not need to move any other files.
Note that if you made any configuration changes when using the Laptop, you must repeat those to the configuration on the Office machine - it is essential that both machines are identically configured.
Technically it is only necessary to move those files that have changed across, but unless you have a special utility that can do this, it is normally quicker and easier just to move the entire root folder across.
Always take great care, and back everything up before starting.
Migrating to a new Machine