V3.3 (released in February 2010) has been changed so any scanned booking forms are opened in Windows Picture viewer (in Windows XP) or in Windows Photo Viewer (the equivalent) in Vista or Windows 7. This has a major advantage that you can keep your forms in any graphics format you want; not just GIFs.
Some users have found they see a strong colour cast when viewing forms or images in Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 7 or Vista, although they are quite easy to see and/or read.
This is not a LetSys problem - it is due to the colour management profile used. Microsoft recommend deleting the colour profile associated with your display as described in this knowledge base article for Vista: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/939395/en-us
Note that the process is virtually the same in Windows 7.
V3.3: Colour cast when using Windows Photo Viewer.