We've now had more experience and feedback about running LetSys with Windows 10.
Everything is running very well indeed, and in some ways there are improvements. Our main development machine is now permanently running Windows 10, and for the most part we really like it.
Scaling works much better with Windows 10, so if you have one of the new high pixel density displays, you can readily increase the scaling to 125% or even 150% and both forms and text are scaled far better than in some earlier versions of Windows. Just type Display settings into Cortana to locate the right control.
Having the start menu back means you no longer need the configuration program shortcut on your desktop. Just delete it if you decide you don't want it. Be aware that this icon will be placed back on the desktop if you upgrade or reinstall.
One user had problems when he accidentally installed the US version of Windows 10. This uses a different system "Long Date Format" and the date did not correctly display in the date/time picker on the booking window. If you are running LetSys in USA or other part of the world, and have this problem, do the following:
Open settings, go to date and time settings, and then click Change date and time formats. Then set the Long Date Format to a shorter version such as dd MMMM yyyy.
One final annoyance. If you completely upgrade your Windows 10 system to a new version then LetSys is effectively uninstalled again. This was observed when version 1511 came out in November 2015. This is the same behaviour as in the previous post about Windows 10, so please refer to this at http://support.erwwen.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=48.
Brendan Blake.
More information about Windows 10
Re: More information about Windows 10
Further to the last post, here is more feedback about Windows 10.
Upon upgrading to Windows 10 from a previous version, it seems quite common for people in UK to find that their language settings have been changed so that US English is the default display language, and the time settings are US time. As explained in the previous post, this results in a problem with the date/time picker on the bookings window. However, it also affects the way dates are displayed in Excel and other applications, so you will almost certainly want to switch back to English (UK). This is done from the Control Panel. Choose Clock,Language, and Region, then Language. On the screen which is headed Change your language preferences, click options against English (UK) and then click Make this the primary language. You may well be asked to download a new language pack before you can make this change.
There is some good news, however. It seems that LetSys is no longer uninstalled on upgrade, at least in a couple of cases that have recently come to our attention. Windows 10 is otherwise working very well with LetSys. Feedback will be welcome.
Brendan Blake.
Upon upgrading to Windows 10 from a previous version, it seems quite common for people in UK to find that their language settings have been changed so that US English is the default display language, and the time settings are US time. As explained in the previous post, this results in a problem with the date/time picker on the bookings window. However, it also affects the way dates are displayed in Excel and other applications, so you will almost certainly want to switch back to English (UK). This is done from the Control Panel. Choose Clock,Language, and Region, then Language. On the screen which is headed Change your language preferences, click options against English (UK) and then click Make this the primary language. You may well be asked to download a new language pack before you can make this change.
There is some good news, however. It seems that LetSys is no longer uninstalled on upgrade, at least in a couple of cases that have recently come to our attention. Windows 10 is otherwise working very well with LetSys. Feedback will be welcome.
Brendan Blake.